Jinx Champion Guide

Jinx Champion Guide
Role: Marksman
Lane: Botlane
Last update: Patch 15.4.1

Summoner Spells

Jinx Runes


Champion short description:
Jinx, that’s her name, the trigger-happy one.
Armed with not one, but two firearms, Jinx makes the gulf unsafe.
So let’s talk directly about these two weapons.
With Q – Switch Weapons!, Jinx can switch her normal attacks between a fast-attacking minigun and a rocket launcher. This ability has a cooldown of 0.9 seconds from the beginning to the end of the game.
The minigun -Peng-Peng shoots normal attacks as you know them from other champions and for each attack in a row Jinx collects up to three increases of “Give Gas”, an effect that grants Jinx bonus attack speed for 2.5 seconds. Switching weapons to the rocket launcher does not cancel this passive, but the boosts are not renewed and if you do not return to the minigun, the additional attack speed expires after 2.5 seconds. With each level in Q – Weapon Change, Jinx gains more maximum attack speed when using the minigun.
The Rocket Launcher – Gräte grants Jinx 75 to 175 bonus range on her normal attacks with each skill point in Q – Weapon Change. Each of these attacks costs Jinx mana and 25% of her additional attack speed is reduced when she chooses this weapon. In return, she gains the increased range, deals 10% of her attack damage per normal attack as additional normal damage and hits all enemy units around the primary target of her attack. The additional damage can also hit critically. In team fights and as a poke option, this is Jinx’s best and most important ability.
That said, let’s take a look at the rest of her abilities that make Jinx a dangerous carry.
Speaking of teamfights, Jinx’s passive is “I’m going crazy!”. Jinx gains greatly increased run and attack speed when she helps kill or destroy an enemy champion, epic monster or building. Your goal with the help of your teammates will be to kill an enemy champion that Jinx has attacked within the last 3 seconds as early as possible in each small fight or five-on-five team fight to activate this passive and win the team fight for Jinx’s team.
With W – Brzl!, Jinx fires a shock shot that deals normal damage to the first enemy hit, revealing and slowing them for 2 seconds. This ability has more than twice the range of Jinx’s normal attacks with the flamethrower.
E – Flame Eater is a way for Jinx to lock down enemies. Jinx throws three lined up grenades that arm after 0.7 seconds and explode after 5 seconds, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the effect radius. The grenades explode earlier if they come into contact with an enemy champion. Enemies running or flying through the trap are held in place for 1.5 seconds. This also applies to jumps such as Zac E or Yasuo E, but not to unstoppable abilities such as Malphites or Sion’s Ultimate. This ability is best used to cut off opponents or as a way to extend crowd control effects on your teammates.
The Super Mega Death Rocket! is Jinx’s ultimate. Jinx fires a rocket in the chosen direction, which explodes on contact with an enemy champion and deals normal damage to the champion hit. Nearby enemies take 80% of the damage. The damage of this ability also scales with the missing life of the target hit. It is therefore advisable to use the rocket at the end of a fight and not to start it. However, the ability can also be used in team fights to get a kill and trigger the passive if you are unable to get into range for normal attacks.
Skill Order
Skill Priority

Skill Order

Mostly best
Description Skill Order:
As Jinx, you start every game with the Q – weapon change! and skill it whenever possible. This skill is essential for your champion and as soon as you reach level 9 and your first item, you are very strong. With Jinx, there is only one point in the game where the skill order varies.
As soon as you reach level 2, the norm is to skill W – Bzrl!, a fast-flying projectile that you can use as a poke or to save a Lasthit on the tower that you would otherwise miss. If you slow down an opponent with your W, you can switch to the rocket launcher and attack the opponent out of range. If the enemy runs towards you to perform a normal attack, you can then use your range and movement speed advantage to prevent them from entering your range while you continue to deal damage to your target. If you get an early Jungle Gank or have a Supporter with easy to apply crowd control effects next to you, E – Flame Eater! can also be a good option.
In every game, you level Q, W and E in the first three levels and prioritize R>Q>W>E.
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Items you can put on Jinx buy
Alternative items
Description of the build path:
Jinx is a classic ADC. That means we mainly need these stats: AD, Attack Speed and Crit. Later on, however, armor penetration and lifesteal will also become very important, so you need at least 4 items to fully develop your potential.
Gameplay und Laning
Laning Phase
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