Kennen Champion Guide

Kennen Champion Guide
Role: Mage
Lane: Toplane
Last update: Patch 15.4.1

Summoner Spells

Kennen Runes


Champion short description:
Kennen is an agile mage who is mainly played on the toplane. Kennen’s playstyle is characterized by his ability to overwhelm opponents with his nimble nature. His main attribute is his ability to use energy instead of mana, which allows him a constant availability of his abilities. He can play a key role in team fights by dealing massive damage to opponents while stunning them with his passive. Another unique selling point is his range. For a top laner, Kennen doesn’t really have good defensive stats, but he does have more range, which means he can punish the opposing top laner for every load hit, especially in lane.
Kennen requires good positioning and quick decision-making. You have to use his abilities skillfully to surprise opponents, CC them and act strategically in fights. Overall, Kennen is a versatile champion who shines through both his individual skills and team play.
Skill Order
Skill Priority

Skill Order

Mostly best
Description Skill Order:
With Kennen, you should maximize the Q first, then the W and finally the E. There are also some Kennen players who opt for the W, but this is no longer the best option. However, it is very important which skills you take with you on the first two levels. In almost all situations, it is best to start with the E skill at level 1. This ability offers a lot, firstly the increased movement speed, the damage of the ability itself and the additional attack speed that you receive as soon as the ability ends. Together with Doran’s Blade, this is a great way to trade against Melee characters at level 1. And even at level 2, most players don’t opt for the Q, but for the W. This is because it has the passive to charge up a boosted autoattack, which still deals a lot of damage at the early levels and, above all, is safe because (unlike the Q) you don’t have to hit an ability here, but only have to use the boosted autoattack on the opposing champion.
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Items you can put on Kennen buy
Alternative items
Description of the build path:
Kennen is a classic AP burst champion, but it doesn’t require any mana. That’s why all AP items are dropped for now. Since Kennen also has to get relatively close to the opponent for the ult, he should also buy a little life. Accordingly, the AP-Bruiser items, which give both life and AP, work best on Kennen.
Gameplay und Laning
Laning Phase
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