Kai’Sa Champion Guide

Kai’Sa Champion Guide

Role: Marksman

Lane: Botlane

Last update: Patch 15.4.1

Tier A


Second Skin
Icathian Rain
Void Seeker
Killer Instinct

Summoner Spells

Guide Author

Rest API User

Kai’Sa Runes

rune_table Precision


rune_table Inspiration


Champion short description:

Kai’Sa, the daughter of the Void, is a markswoman who you can play as an autoattack-based teamfighter, assassin or pokemage.

As variable as she is, you can almost always pick Kai’Sa if you play better than your opponents.

Kai’Sa’s passive is “Second Skin”. Normal attacks deal bonus magic damage depending on her level. This depends on the increases of her second passive “Caustic Wounds”. Kai’Sa’s normal attacks, W – Void Projectiles and immobilizing effects from nearby allies, mark enemy units with “Plasma” for 4 seconds, up to 4 times. Kai’Sa’s attacks consume 4 buffs and deal 15% (+2.5% per 100 Ability Power) additional magic damage to the affected target based on the target’s Max Health. The boosts can also be produced by 4 normal attacks alone. Important: The fifth attack triggers the bonus damage. This can be made up of 5 normal attacks or AA+W+AA+AA. Kai’Sa’s W generates 2 boosters, after Evolution even 3, so AA+W+AA would be a passive trigger. Your teammates’ movement disabling abilities generate 2 buffs per ability, so after your (example) Blitzcrank catches the opponent with his hook and throws him up, you could trigger Kai’Sa’s passive damage with just a normal attack or W.

Kai’Sa’s Q is the Icathian Volley. Kai’Sa unleashes a swarm of 6 projectiles that target nearby enemy units equally, dealing normal damage to each target hit. Minions below 35% health take double damage. Non-minions take 25% damage from projectiles after the first. Q is Kai’Sa’s most important ability you want to play for in the laning phase. It deals normal damage and helps you push alongside your autoattacks. Once you reach 100 bonus attack damage, you can unlock your Q evolution. Your bonus stats generated per level-up, the adaptive rune and bonus attack damage values purchased in the base count towards this 100 attack damage.

The evolution of the Icathian Volley doubles the number of projectiles, significantly increasing Kai’Sa’s damage against all targets.

Kai’Sa can always use her Q instantly while an enemy unit is in range. It is also possible to activate her Q while performing other abilities or normal attacks.

W – Void Projectile allows Kai’Sa to fire a void projectile at 3000 units range in the chosen direction. For comparison, the average range for normal attacks for shooters is 525-550. The ability has an execution time of 0.5 seconds. It is therefore possible to use your lightning to reposition yourself while the ability is being executed. This is especially useful if there is a minion between Kai’Sa and your target. This allows you to flash backwards or forwards to ensure a clear line of flight for the void projectile.

The evolution requires 100 bonus ability power, which you can only achieve through the adaptive rune and bonus ability power values purchased in the base. Other runes have no effect. Once you have evolved the ability, Kai’Sa’s W triggers 3 Plasma Boosts on the target hit instead of 2 and restores 77% of the cooldown on hits against champions. This ability can turn Kai’Sa into a magical sniper if you set your item build to it.

Kai’Sa’s E is Super Energy. Kai’Sa charges for 1.2-0.6 seconds (depending on additional attack speed) and gains additional movement speed during this time, which is also increased by additional attack speed. After recharging, Kai’Sa gains additional attack speed for 4 seconds. Kai’Sa’s normal attacks reduce the cooldown of Super Energy’s ability by 0.5 seconds per attack. While Kai’Sa is charging, she cannot use normal attacks. However, it is possible to use your Q.

If you unlock Evolution by reaching 100% Bonus Attack Speed, Kai’Sa will become invisible for the first 0.5 seconds of the cast.

To receive the Super Energy bonus, the 10% bonus attack speed from the attack runes, bonus stats generated per level-up, and items acquired in the base that grant attack speed all count. When the maximum value is reached, Kai’Sa is also only visible for 0.1 seconds while she executes the ability.

Killer Instinct is Kai’Sa’s ultimate. This allows her to jump 1500/2250/3000 range units to her target champion without colliding with units. She can freely choose the target location within a radius corresponding to her attack range (525 units) as long as she is within range. It is important to note that if you are closer to the enemy than the maximum range of the ultimate at the current level, you will be able to fly closer to/behind the enemy. On arrival, Kai’Sa receives a shield that scales with her attack damage and ability power.

Kai’Sa can only trigger the ability if the enemy champion is marked with at least one boost of Plasma. This can be done from long distances by Kai’Sa’s W or by crowd control effects cast by her teammates. It is of course also possible to attack an opponent with a normal attack and then use the killer instinct.

While Kai’Sa is in flight, all other abilities can be used. For example, it would be possible to fly over Champion A while you are on your way to Champion B, but use your Q/W on Champion A.

Kai’Sa’s ultimate gives you a variety of ways to surprise and outplay opponents. Creativity is rewarded. Even if an opponent is directly facing you, Kai’Sha’s ultimate is useful as it allows you to dodge an important ability and if you use Killer Instinct directly after a normal attack, you can attack again immediately. Especially early in the game, this can make all the difference if you don’t have any bonus attack speed and the cooldown of your normal attacks is still more than a second long.

Skill Order

Skill Priority

Icathian RainQ
Void SeekerW

Skill Order

Icathian RainQ
Icathian Rain
Void SeekerW
Void Seeker
Killer InstinctR
Killer Instinct
Second SkinP
Second Skin

Mostly best


Description Skill Order:

As Kai’Sa, you always prioritize skill points in your Q – Icathian Volley. In AD/Attackspeed-focused item builds, you then focus on your E and skill W last.

In the first 3 levels you want to skill Q first, then W and E in 100% of situations.

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Items you can put on Kai’Sa buy

Starting items

Mostly best

Main items

Almost every game


4. & 5. Item

Description of the build path:

Kai’sa has a lot of possibilities with her item build and is very different from meta to meta. What always remains the same, however, is that she wants to get as many evolutions as possible. This means that we definitely need AD for the Q evolution, attack speed for the E evolution and AP for the W evolution. Depending on the meta, there are sometimes builds in which an evolution is omitted.

Gameplay und Laning

Laning Phase

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