Miss Fortune Champion Guide

Miss Fortune Champion Guide
Role: Marksman
Lane: Botlane
Last update: Patch 15.4.1

Summoner Spells

Miss Fortune Runes


Champion short description:
Today I’d like to introduce you to Miss Fortune, the bounty hunter.
She is one of the most meta-independent champions on the botlane and always playable.
Don’t worry about which champions you play against, MF can always show off, especially in the ranks below Master/Diamond.
So let’s look directly at her abilities:
Her passive is poke. Whenever MF attacks an enemy unit (towers, minions, monsters and champions all included) that was not the target of her last normal attack, she deals additional physical damage. This is reduced against minions.
Miss Fortune’s Q – Piercing Shot is a simple shot, similar to your normal attack, but with 100 bonus range. You deal physical damage and after the ability collides with its target, it bounces in a 160° cone radius from its target and deals the same damage to the secondary target. If you lash your target with the first instance of Piercing Shot, Q – Piercing Shot will critically hit. This applies to minions or monsters as well as champions and is therefore the best way to poke enemies.
Throughbolt also resets the cooldown of your normal attack, so the following combination is bread and butter for Miss Fortune: Autoattack – Q – Autoattack.
Miss Fortune’s W ability has both a passive and an active part. As soon as W – Shore Leave is leveled, you gain 25 additional movement speed, provided you have not taken any damage in the last 5 seconds. This bonus is increased enormously after a total of 10 seconds without taking damage, you now gain 55 additional movement speed. Miss Fortune moves very quickly from lane to lane thanks to this passive and can rotate well around the dragon in river fights, for example. You will also lose fewer minions if you have to accept an involuntary recall, as you can move back to the lane much faster than any other botlaner.
If you are in combat, this deactivates the ability’s movement speed, but you can also activate the ability, which grants you additional attack speed and the movement speed bonus for four seconds until you take damage. Whenever Miss Fortune marks a new target with her Passive – Nudge, the cooldown of W – Shore Leave is reduced by 2 seconds.
Hail of bullets is Miss Fortune’s E ability, which allows you to drop slightly slowing bullets in a circle at close range.
Later in the game, this ability is good to use in combination with MF’s ultimate ability Fire Free! You slow down your opponents and then release your volleys of bullets. This makes it harder for your opponents to escape damage from your ultimate. You can make the difference with this combination, especially in team fights.
This is where your skill as Miss Fortune really comes into its own. Be creative and learn a little better with every game to find the ideal time for your ultimate and you will be able to make the difference in your games!
Skill Order
Skill Priority

Skill Order

Mostly best
Description Skill Order:
As a rule, you start on Miss Fortune with your Q. A short trade in the form of Autoattack – Q – Autoattack is very powerful and if your opponents allow you to play it several times at level 1, you can already gain a big lane advantage. If this is not the case, you can concentrate on the minion loadout hits and try to kill the Q via a minion that is on low health points with your Q and use it to shoot the cannonball critically through to an enemy champion. In rare cases, it can also pay off to start with the W – Landfall. This can be worth it if you can make a long trade and win. Against weak enemy Botlanes, this is an option.
In the early levels, you always want to prioritize Q and W as Miss Fortune. You skill up your Q whenever possible.
It is advisable to take a point in E with the currently common Youmus MF at level 4. However, if you can benefit directly from the ability, it is fine to skill it once at level 3. However, only use the ability thoughtfully, as you are dependent on being able to use your Q in trades as a caster ADC.
A quick explanation related to runes and your skill order: Miss Fortune is happy to use Mana Flow, Heatwave, Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm. A better scaling way to play is definitely to use Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm. If you have 2,3,4 items and play with this rune combination, your damage will be absolutely groundbreaking, but this setup limits you to wanting to skill your E later and only using it rarely and thus being able to do less pressure in the laning phase. Mana flow + heatwave and an earlier skilled E, sometimes even at level 1 if you play with a support that brings range and poke damage (Karma, Soraka, Xerath for example), can pay off and you can dominate the lane much more. However, you’ll need to gain an advantage that represents several hundred gold that you won’t have in attack damage from Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm. Decide this for yourself depending on the situation. I’m a fan of Mana Flow, but also Gathering Storm as a compromise.
As usual, you skill your Ultimate ability to level 6/11 and 16.
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Items you can put on Miss Fortune buy
Alternative items
Description of the build path:
Miss Fortune is a classic ADC, but can also be played with a lethality factor. This means we mainly need these stats: AD, Lethality and Crit. Later on, however, Armor Penetration and Lifesteal will also become very important, so you need at least 4 items to fully develop your potential.
Gameplay und Laning
Laning Phase
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