Senna AD Build Champion Guide

Senna AD Build Champion Guide
Role: Enchanter
Lane: Support
Last update: Patch 15.4.1

Summoner Spells

Senna AD Build Runes


Champion short description:
Senna Support has two valid playstyles, both of which have their strengths and weaknesses. In this guide, we will mainly focus on the AD build. I generally recommend the AD build in Soloq over the Enchanter variant, as it allows you to carry games better if you gain an advantage in lane.
You can find the Enchanter variant HERE
However, there are also games in Soloq where the Enchanter variant is recommended. If you have a lot of tanks and bruisers in your team, enchanters are generally stronger as you have a good frontline in front of you and can support them. In this case, you can also successfully play the Enchanter variant. If your tanks and bruisers fall backwards and forwards, you can also switch to the AD build with the other rune setup from the Enchanter guide if you realize that you have to carry with your lane partner on the bot lane. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than supporting useless tanks and bruisers.
Many points will be duplicated in both guides, and the playstyles are not quite as different as you might think, especially in the early game.
ADC Senna is no longer viable. But if that changes, we will add an ADC Senna guide as soon as possible!
I wish you lots of fun and success with the guides, let’s get started!
Skill Order
Skill Priority

Skill Order

Mostly best
Description Skill Order:
We always maximize in the same order. You can therefore always follow the suggested skill order. If you invade at level 1, you can start with the W. In this case, simply skill the Q to level 2, the rest remains unchanged.
The most important facts about Senna relate to her passives and how to get the most out of her. Senna has a chance of dropping a soul on the ground for every minion and monster that dies near her. You can then collect it with your autoattack or the Q. If you use the load hit yourself, the chance of the minion dropping a soul is significantly lower than if the minion is load hit by someone else or simply dies from minions. This is the main reason why Senna is currently not very playable as an ADC. Big monsters (e.g. the big wolf) and cannon minions (as long as you don’t lasthit them) always drop a soul. Epic monsters, such as the dragon, drop two souls. Champions also drop a soul when they die. Oh yes, Nunu & Willump drop two souls – they are two souls after all! 😄
If you share your minions with the support item stacks, it counts as if you killed the minions yourself. This reduces the chance of getting souls. This is particularly important if you want to collect as many souls as possible. You should therefore never share cannon minions, as they will no longer drop a soul 100% of the time. It is generally better to reduce your stacks on enemy champions and towers, as this gives you a higher chance of collecting souls. However, if you have three stacks, it is still better to mine them on small minions instead of leaving them unused.
In addition, two hits with autoattacks or abilities on enemy champions also give you a soul and cause additional percentage damage. However, this method has a cooldown per champion. This means you cannot farm souls from a champion continuously.
Senna receives 0.75 AD (Attack Damage) for each soul and +20 range and 8% crit chance for every 20 souls. If you already have 100% Crit, you will receive Lifesteal instead.
It is very important that you understand the soul system well, because as a good Senna player you should collect as many souls as possible. The more souls you have, the better you can carrien games. We will explain in more detail later on how you can best implement this in the individual phases of the game.
The standard trade combo is: AA -> Q -> AA.
In all-ins you use the following combo: W -> AA -> Q -> AA.
The combos are relatively simple. Just make sure to perform as many autoattacks as possible without putting yourself in danger. Each autoattack reduces the cooldown of your Q by one second. Don’t forget to always collect your souls!
Because of your ult, you should always have an overview of the map to support your team with either damage or shields.
You can also use your Q on towers, souls, allies and wards to “snipe” enemies. The Ward -> Q combination is a particularly good way of slowing down opponents at long distances.
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Items you can put on Senna AD Build buy
Description of the build path:
As already mentioned, we are focusing here on the AD build (Attack Damage Build). That’s why we want to buy items that offer AD, health and armor reduction. Rapid fire gun is a must as the second item. Then you adapt your build to the opponent.
Does the enemy have a lot of healing, a lot of shields, or do you just need raw damage? You should ask yourself these questions when deciding on the last items.
Gameplay und Laning
Laning Phase
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