Twitch Champion Guide

Twitch Champion Guide
Role: Assassin
Lane: Botlane
Last update: Patch 15.4.1

Summoner Spells

Twitch Runes


Champion short description:
Twitch – “The Plague Rat” is the true assassin among the shooters.
Invisible, this venomous rat roams the Rift and surprises enemies with its Q – Ambush.
This ability grants Twitch 10 to 14 seconds of camouflage invisibility after a one-second delay. If this window expires or Twitch uses his W or E ability while invisible, Twitch gains 30 to 50% additional attack speed and is revealed. The cooldown of Ambush is reset when an enemy champion affected by Twitch’s Passive – Deadly Poison dies.
Twitch’s normal attacks poison their targets with Deadly Poison, with each attack granting a boost on hit. Each of these increases deals more absolute damage per second for 6 seconds, which can be increased up to 6 times. If you have already reached the maximum value of increases on your target and attack them again, the attack will reset the remaining duration of the absolute damage to a further 6 seconds.
With W – Poison Bottle, Twitch throws a barrel full of poison into the selected target area, triggering an increase in his passive – Deadly Poison on all enemies. The target area is contaminated for 3 seconds, applying a boost of Deadly Poison to enemies in it every second and slowing enemies for 25-45%.
Contaminate is Twitch’s E ability. When using the ability, Twitch deals normal damage to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Poison, with each increase in Passive granting additional damage from the E ability.
But what really sets Twitch apart from other shooters is his ultimate – Fire and Pray! For 6 seconds, Twitch gains 20-40 additional attack damage and his normal attacks gain 300 additional range. In addition, Twitch’s attacks travel the full range during this period regardless of the distance to the chosen target, penetrating all enemies and dealing 100-70% damage. These attacks apply hit effects like the Blade of the Fallen King to all detected targets and can critically hit each target individually.
Twitch’s Ultimate ability is game-changing and paired with his ability to invisibly stalk his targets, Twitch becomes an outstanding team fighter who can have a huge impact on how team fights go from creative positions and can cause chaos and problems for the enemy team with the element of surprise. More on this later.
Skill Order
Skill Priority

Skill Order

Mostly best
Description Skill Order:
When you play Twitch, your skill prioritization never changes. You skill the ultimate on AD Twitch at level 6/11 and 16 and prioritize E over Q and W.
Level 1 you start in almost every situation with your Q – Ambush and start the laning phase invisible to fire a few normal attacks on the enemy carry if possible or, if this is not possible, to lash two minions as soon as they are at low health points. You will select your E – Contaminate at level 2 in almost every game and only skill W to level 2 in the case of a jungle tank for whom you want to slow down the opponents.
If you are facing a bot lane that is very difficult to play, as both opponents have more range than Twitch and his support, start with W and skill your E to level 2. In this case, you need to start with Doran’s Ring and want to use your W and E from time to time to be able to laste minions without running into the range of your normal attacks, as well as to decimate the wave of minions that is slowly being pushed towards you if you are in danger of being killed by the enemy team under your tower or being scared away by them. This way you can minimize losses. Twitch has good enough ability power scaling to take advantage of Doran’s Rings stats and can do a lot with the extra mana regeneration for this defensive playstyle.
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Items you can put on Twitch buy
Alternative items
Description of the build path:
Twitch is a classic ADC. That means we mainly need these stats: AD, Attack Speed and Crit. Later on, however, armor penetration and lifesteal will also become very important, so you need at least 4 items to fully develop your potential.
Gameplay und Laning
Laning Phase
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