Cloud Gaming

Cloud gaming is on the rise! Find out what it’s all about and how well it works here!

How does cloud gaming work?

The basic way it works is that you only forward the mouse and keyboard inputs to a virtual computer in the cloud. Cloud gaming providers operate large server centers where you have your own virtual computer on which you install your application. In our case, for example: League of Legends. This means that the game is run on the cloud server, not on your computer.

The virtual computer in the cloud then forwards your input to the game server, which in turn responds with all other information. This includes, for example, the inputs of all other game characters. Only a finished video image is calculated on the server, which is sent to you as a video stream, so to speak.

However, the server needs some time to generate this video stream image, which leads to a further delay. In addition, your available Internet bandwidth must be very high in order to receive the extremely data-rich streaming image.

Which games can you use cloud gaming for?

Ideally suited for “slow” games, such as Anno 2070, which have relatively high system requirements but do not necessarily require fast response times.

Fast games (such as FPS shooters) like Doom, for example, can only be played to a limited extent. Even with a reasonably good internet connection, relatively high latencies and mosaic fragments occur from time to time. If you are used to a current gaming PC, this will spoil your gaming fun. For someone who can’t afford a gaming computer in one go, however, it could be a way of being able to play the titles at all. At this point, however, we would recommend saving up or buying a real, stationary gaming computer in installments.

If you want to play competitive e-sports titles such as League of Legends, Counter Strike or Fortnite, we would definitely advise against all cloud gaming providers. The doubled signal path in conjunction with the processing time on the cloud gaming server inevitably generates a latency of > 50 ms, which is too high.

A cloud service therefore does not “yet” have the ability to achieve latencies that are low enough to be suitable for competitive e-sports. It will be several years before the technology is ready. However, it is not yet possible to estimate exactly when this will be the case. It is likely that it will not be that far in Germany for the next 5 years. This is mainly due to the largely very poor Internet infrastructure in Germany and not just because of the service providers.

Is cloud gaming financially worthwhile

In theory, we believe that a virtual computer with a fixed monthly rate of ~ €50 is definitely worthwhile. If you consider that you also have to invest around €2,000 for a stationary desktop gaming computer to be able to play all new games at full resolution. If you buy this computer with a 0% financing with 3 years, you also get a monthly installment of 55.56 €. Which would be even more expensive than the Shadow subscription, for example.

However, since a newly purchased hardware desktop computer is only current for about 2-3 years, you would have to buy the next one as soon as you have paid off the computer. This means that the imputed costs remain constant and may be higher than with a cloud gaming subscription model.

Pros and cons list


  1. The virtual computer can always remain on and does not incur any additional electricity costs privately.
  2. The virtual computer always automatically remains at the latest performance level
  3. Lower costs than your own hardware computer
  4. Extremely high download speed on the virtual PC of up to 1 GBs
  5. You have access to a powerful computer from anywhere, as long as your local Internet connection provides the necessary bandwidth.


  1. You don’t “own” your own hardware, if you cancel the subscription, the virtual computer is gone
  2. Inevitably relatively high latency for online games due to the double signal path
  3. Very high bandwidth required. Ideally > 50 MBs
  4. If the internet goes down at home, you have no access to the virtual computer
  5. Very fast games, e.g. FPS shooters such as DOOM, can only be played to a limited extent in single player due to the video streaming latency.


If you only have a weak computer or laptop at home and are still a total building strategy nerd who likes to play Anno “endlessly”, cloud gaming could already be a real alternative for you. Everyone else should wait until the technology is really mature.

Cloud gaming provider:

Finally, a small link list of the cloud gaming services currently available:

Update for Xbox Gamepass 2022

In the meantime, cloud gaming has come a long way and on the current Xbox models (Series S and X) even shooters work pretty well over it! This means you no longer have to buy the games, you no longer have to install the games and you can enjoy the full graphic splendor with the smaller version of the Xbox. A pretty cool thing in our opinion!

Cloud Gaming getestet

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